Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Slow going and some crochet

It has been awhile since I checked in. Even though our time working on the house is sporatic since Tim went back on the road it seems I turn around and the week is gone. I painted a chair the same color red as the cabinets and I painted a bookcase I am wanting to use in the dining area of the kitchen. I will take some pictures later on. I was having major withdrawal from not being able to crochet or sew something, so I bought some Peaches and Creme cotton yarn and made some dish towels and dish cloths along with a few face scrubbies.
Crocheting is so relaxing for me and I hate to just sit and "watch" tv, I would much rather enjoy a show or movie or even some Alabama football while I crochet. Just about all my yarn and fabric is in storage. I have a couple of projects packed away that I am eager to finish. One is a fabric yo-yo bedspread and the other is a continuous granny square bed spread made from scrap yarn. I really look forward to sewing with my mother-in-law this summer she is an expert and I can't wait to learn from her.
But for now I must stick to some crochet to keep me sane.
Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Your crocheting is beautiful. I would love to learn. I just learned to knit a few years back.

    Happy Easter. Kathi

  2. You do beautiful work! I hope that you have a joyful Easter! Have you visited my daughter-in-law's blog, Brittany @ Sweet Nothings? She married my son in the fall and they purchased a fixer upper last summer and it might be fun for you to see their house. I was over there yesterday and it is so cute! They have really transformed it. You will probably have to check her archives to see the "before" pictures.

    Hugs, Sharon


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