Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Been a while part 100?

Oh where oh where have we been? We are still here albeit we are not very active on this blog. I am still driving over the road but looking for a way out. I am writing over at Life On The, its a truckers news and information blog. I do the Nascar stories over there. Check it out if you like Nascar. I wont promise anything but I might get this blog moving again. We'll see. There ya go. A real update from the crimson kitchen.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow Bound

Well here I sit, in the T.A. truck stop in breezewood PA. with over two foot of snow surrounding my parked rig. We sat on the Pennsylvania Turnpike last night for three hours waiting for them to get another truck out of the median barrier. He lost control because I assume he was driving too fast for the conditions (blizzard) and slammed the out side rail then busted through the two foot thick concrete center divider. After that it took another hour to go 29 miles to where I am now. Last night I saw snow flake the size of half dollars! I get up this morning and steep out of my truck into a snow drift up to my knees. I turn on the C.B. and hear that the turnpike (I76) is closed going westbound due to a jack knifed rig over 60 miles west of here. Listening to the PA. dept of trans. radio on the scanner I found out that they have brought out the national guard to bring food and water to cars and trucks stranded out on the highway! Not good news!

So as I understand it, they have miles and miles of people stranded between here and Somerset PA. that have sat there all night while the snow piled up around their vehicles, so once they get the wreck cleaned up they still have to go dig out damned near everybody that has sat out there all night! What a mess! Hopefully I will get home soon! I may have to listen to the superbowl on the satellite radio. Or should I call it the big game so I don't get sued by the NFL?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Time to return and time to do the snow dance!!

Hello 2010! I realized after seeing a comment from Bernie asking where I was and if we are ok.....the bloging holiday break needs to end. Thanks Bernie for checking on us!

We have had some great holidays from Thanksgiving to my birthday. I turned 47 on January 3. Tim and I celebrated my birthday on New Years day (which it snowed!) as he would be back on the road by my birthday. His schedule this week is worked around the National Championship game between our Alabama Crimson Tide and the Texas Long Horns! That game is tonight and it looks like Tim will make it in time. We are so excited and ready!

During our break, Mark Ingram of the Crimson Tide won the Heisman Trophy. He is the first to do so for the University of Alabama. This season has been magical.

Tim and I only got to spend 2 days in Alabama for Christmas.... but those two days were a blast. We stayed with my daughter and son-in-law. That is them in the picture below.

Below is my son Nick and my Daughter Erica.

Now some exciting least to me. Growing up in Alabama you didn't get the chance to see much snow. Every 15 years or so you might get major snow accumulations. I am like a kid when it comes to snow. Here is what I woke up to this morning!! This for me is one of the many benefits of moving to Illinois.

Pepper had a blast early this morning running around in the snow. I will try to get some pictures of her next trip outside.

I have decided to try my hand at selling some of my crocheted creations. There are a couple specific craft show and festival here in Carlyle later in the year that I a going to have my own spot for setting up shop so to speak. I will also be including some fabric artwork, embroidery and fun sewing projects. Wish me luck. I am a bit nervous about asking someone to pay for my craft projects......But, I can't succeed if I don't try!

I am off to do some laundry and crochet. I have the blinds up and I have wonderful views of my snow from my favorite chair.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year.