Thursday, April 30, 2009

Birthdays, crochet, and a crime scene.

Today is my son's 20th birthday! Nick will be applying for Pharmacy School this summer at Auburn where he is currently in his sophomore year. I can't express how proud we are of Nick. He is Handsome that is a fact, and he is also hilarious and keeps you laughing, but the best thing about my son is what is on the inside. Nick is one of the most compassionate and kind people I know. Nick and his sister Erica are blessings from God and I can never thank him enough. I need to stop before I start blubbering.

Below is an afghan I made for him using the Auburn colors of orange and blue.

The Black funny looking thing at the bottom of the photo below is something we offer here at The Crimson Kitchen....our life with a dash of Pepper. That black curly thing is Pepper's tail. She is like a toddler when I am trying to do something. She has to be right in the middle of the action. LOL

Speaking of Pepper....I have a couple of little stuffed toys that Wendys gave out a couple of summers ago in the kid's meals. The dolls were Peanuts characters. I am a sucker for Snoopy and Woodstock. I walked into the temporary den and found this! That pitiful little yellow thing in the jaws of Pepper is my little Woodstock! I tried to save him.....but as you can see...he lost his feet. Click on Pepper's big black head to see the entire crime scene.

But the worst thing I found was Snoopy. He is in such bad shape I just can't bring myself to take his picture. I looked around and discovered Charlie Brown was trying to hide. So far, he is safe.

We have gotten a lot done this past week concerning remodeling walls are up, and tomorrow if all goes as planned the wallpaper will be going up. I have planted some flowers I will share later and I was so happy to discovered a large patch of Yelllow Irisis are growing by the front porch. I will get a picture of those to share later as well.

I hope everyone is doing well!


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Yea! We Got The Garden Tilled!

We finally got the garden tilled. My sister told me weeks ago that she had a tiller but when she told me that it was a "Mantis" I had to look it up on line and see what she had. It was way to small for a garden that had never been tilled before. Long story short, I called the local farm equipment store and found someone with a nice troy-built to do it for $40. It took him the better part of an hour and a half to bust it up good. We are going to sow some seeds tomorrow so stay tuned for something on that. Look at the photo below and picture in your mind a white picket fence around that garden with a gate centered in the foreground. That will be coming in the next couple weeks. Then we will be able to plant tomato plants, peppers and anything else that rabbits might get before the fence goes up.

Our garden area measures roughly 24 feet by 32 feet.

when we moved here we found a birds nest in the ceiling of the garage. I almost knocked it down but something told me to leave it. That was in the middle of winter, and this weekend we found that we had a tenant. I think it is a barn swallow.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Checking In From The Road

Well I think that I am stuck in Jessup MD. for the night, along with a couple hundred other trucks. I have internet service here so I thought that I would post something. I took this picture a couple weeks ago, this storm was "Tornado Warned" and I may have caught it forming. Look above the trailer to the the left of the building, Is that a funnel forming?

Love ya kim! Be home soon!

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Wall Is Going Up!

Here is a short update on the construction in the front half of the house. There used to be a load
bearing wall between the dining room and the kitchen. My carpenter buddy "Sean" put that wall back creating a double wide door there. We can't close it up yet as now that the ceiling is stable I have to get up in the attic and feed wires through the ceiling for a chandelier and a wall switch to control it. There was no light in there just one that hung from a chain.

Next week we hope to have all that done and hang the drywall.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Where did our favorite blogs go from the sidebar?

I don't know where our favorite blogs have run off to! I will see if I can find them.....strange....
I will need more coffee for this mission......

6 Random things about me......

1) I am addicted to chapstick. If I can't find my chapstick I get a little jittery and a must. find. it. now. mode. ensues.

2) I love candy that is chocolate and orange combined.

3) I have Fribromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain. I had one day last week that I call a Fibro day. I hurt all over and I had major fatigue along with feeling like I am coming down with something which more often than not leads to a day of depressive thoughts. To have only 1 Fibro day in a week is a huge improvement. I am doing much better and I feel much better than I have in years. Thank you God.

4) I am addicted to Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum, Bounty Hunter series. They crack me up! For those that read this series...I am a Joe Morelli lady. :o)

5) There is a quirky side of me that I for some reason keep under control and really don't act upon. I think I need to work on letting that quirky gal out and not worry about what others think. Nothing drastic....I am not secretly goth or into finding my inner color with crystals or "funny" mushrooms....LOL

6) My Dad passed away 11 years ago. I am always missing him, but here lately he is so heavy on my mind. I wish I could talk to him and enjoy his sense of humor, for it was just like my own. I wonder what he would think of me at the age I am now. I really wish my kids could have known him better and had a chance to really know just how funny he could be.

I hope you have a great weekend. As I type this I hear lawn mowers and there are yard sales all over the neighborhood. Spring is here!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Slow going and some crochet

It has been awhile since I checked in. Even though our time working on the house is sporatic since Tim went back on the road it seems I turn around and the week is gone. I painted a chair the same color red as the cabinets and I painted a bookcase I am wanting to use in the dining area of the kitchen. I will take some pictures later on. I was having major withdrawal from not being able to crochet or sew something, so I bought some Peaches and Creme cotton yarn and made some dish towels and dish cloths along with a few face scrubbies.
Crocheting is so relaxing for me and I hate to just sit and "watch" tv, I would much rather enjoy a show or movie or even some Alabama football while I crochet. Just about all my yarn and fabric is in storage. I have a couple of projects packed away that I am eager to finish. One is a fabric yo-yo bedspread and the other is a continuous granny square bed spread made from scrap yarn. I really look forward to sewing with my mother-in-law this summer she is an expert and I can't wait to learn from her.
But for now I must stick to some crochet to keep me sane.
Have a great Tuesday!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Well, we were trying to get some of our stuff out of storage today but we got just a wee bit of rain. We got one load home and while I worked in the garage to store it where wouldn't get wet this was going on outside.

I believe that I need to call the city and see about getting that drain tile unplugged. It is supposed to drain under the street to a storm drain by the stop sign.
We did get something done on the house project yesterday though. We went to Lowe's and bought some sheet rock, sheet rock screws, and some 2x4's so next Saturday we can frame up another wall. If this rain keeps up I will never get my garden tilled either. I need to make a list. Hmmmm?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Construction Update

Hi all!
Just a short post here to let you know what is going on here in the Crimson Kitchen. My job keeps me away during the week so you will only hear from me on the weekend. My father gave me a Murray lawn mower and that was a blessing. I raised the wheels on it yesterday and mowed out tiny lawn. It took right at an hour with a trip to the gas station in the middle as I ran it out of gas. So I figure 45 minutes for now. That will go down as we are going to plant a garden in the back yard taking up some lawn space.

Today we are headed to Lowe's a few towns over to buy supplies. We intend to get some 2x4's, wall board and drywall screws, among other things. Then we will have things in place for the great wall assembly between the dinning room and kitchen next weekend.

Stay tuned, I may post some pictures of something this weekend.