Friday, November 20, 2009

It is almost Thanksgiving!

Wow another week has flown by me. I have been applying for jobs, crocheting, working on Christmas surprises, planning a trip to Alabama in December, watching some good movies, embroidery, framing of some of my kid's art through the years. I will definitely have to share those with you soon. Right now I have a cake in the oven I am making for my mother in law. Today is her birthday. Tim is on the road and may not make it home until Sunday.

I recieved a sweet surprise today. My kids, which is my dauther, Erica, her husband, Brian, and my son, Nick sent me beautiful Fall Thanksgiving flowers! My photography doesn't do them justice. The are so pretty and smell so good.

This next week is Thanksgiving. The time is flying past me. It seems just like it was yesterday and I was picking vegetables in some awful heat!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. Flowers are beautiful and getting them from your kids make them even more so. My but you are busy. Sounds like fun tho. Enjoy.

  2. The flowers are beautiful and I LOVE your little red chair! I hope y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    BIG day - we are so excited about the Iron Bowl. I am even making a bowl cake in a stainless-steel-instead-of-iron bowl!

    ROLL TIDE Kim!!

  3. Kim, Thanks for the follow. Glad to see the Bama sign on your banner. My family, originally from upstate NY, made our way down to Birmingham in the late 70's and are still there. Love Thanksgiving in the south!

    We moved aways some years ago when I married my knight. Good luck with the move, renovations, and your continued blogging.

    Crocheting and quilting are my hobbies, teaching at the community college sewing classes.


  4. Where have you been? I see I commented already on this post. Are you all right?

    The New Yeat is upon us and it is is da---- cold. Chicago can be really cold from the lake. Hope your blood is getting thicker as you get used to this northern clime. (It really isn't usually this bad!)


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