Monday, October 15, 2012

where have I been

Its been a while since I have been on here. It seems that trucking takes up so much of my time and blogging falls by the wayside. Driving a truck eats up my life to the point that I don't have much of a life outside of the damned truck. That my friends is about to change. I have decided to finally do something about it and get out of trucking all together. I have some things that I need to accomplish first and one of them is to buy a second vehicle. Kim works nights and long hours to boot so there needs to be two vehicles in the garage. I can't look for a job without the means to get to work can I?

So this is it, by spring I hope to have the vehicle problem sorted out and on my way to finding gainful employment near home. I won't know how to act if I actually was able to sleep in my own bed every night. We live in farm country so I may look for something that has to do with farming, but if it involves having a commercial drivers license you can forget it.

I don't know what the future of this blog will be but once I am out of trucking you never know. I still love to cook but I don't have the energy to take pictures or write about it. I would like to write about my transition from trucking back to the real life but I may do that at another blog I own.

More later


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