Saturday, June 20, 2009

Been A While

Hey!, It's been a while since I was on here so I thought that I would check in and let you know what has been going on here at the Crimson Kitchen. The garden is really looking great! We have pickling cucumbers coming on strong along with regulars, the corn is starting to tassel, the Zucchini is looking great along with the tomato plants. It looks as though there will be a bountiful harvest this year. I will try to get pictures this weekend but no promises as I just got in this very evening. It has been a long week, I had to go to Orlando Fl. to unload then down to Miami to reload. I feel wrung out and put away wet.

The house is coming along, a little slow but coming along. I got most of the kitchen cabinet doors hung and Kim painted them one last time. Most of the hardware is on them and we are hoping to get the counter top paid for in July. We are kinda in a holding pattern as the floor has got to be installed before we trim out the kitchen and dinning room so we are saving up money for that. Once that is done then it will be time to call Sean our carpenter back and finish it. Then it will be time for the living room.

Well thats about all for now. Look here later to see if I got the camera out and updated this post.


  1. Glad ya checked in! And while I'm here - happy Fathers Day.

  2. Thanks,I didnt get to the Garden pictures but my zucchini plants are huge. I'm back on the road during the week so I am swampd with stuff to do on the weekends. Stay safe!


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