Thursday, June 25, 2009

Kim is alive and well......

I knew I had been quiet for awhile, but I didn't realize just how long! While taking Pepper out for her morning "walk" I thought I really need to take an updated picture of the garden. Which then brought me around to blogging. You know how you start on one thing and then while in the middle of that one thing you go off on other things....
I went to the picture files and the next thing I knew I had been looking through pictures and almost an hour went by! Then I decided until I can get a garden photo later today, I would share some older pictures I ran across this morning.
The picture above is my son and I nearly 3 years ago on a 3 day cruise to Kozumel Mexico. The food was wonderful. They had this chocolate dessert that was pure sin.

My daughter and her husband on their wedding day last November. I love this picture.

My daughter. I wish the picture was better, but you can still see how beautiful she is......if I do say so myself. :o)

The weather here in Carlyle has been HOT. I told Tim I clearly made it known that I was leaving the hot behind in Alabama. I hate this type of heat. It looks as if I brought it with me. I hope to see cooler days soon.
I have been crocheting, painting, sewing, reading and entertaining Pepper.

I am currently once again reading Sense and Sensibility. I love that story and I love the movie as well. I would be embarassed to tell you how many times I have watched the movie. Willoughby is very dashing, but I have always preferred Colonel Brandon.

I am off to get some laundry done I will return soon with garden pictures.
Have a great day! Kim


  1. Hey Kim!!

    I've been SO behind in my blog visiting lately, so I know what you mean. You and your children are just beautiful - I'm glad you shared the's always nice to have a face with the name. And hey, I'm right there with you about Colonel Brandon - his strength coupled with compassion and goodness is VERY appealing!

    Your garden is looking great BTW!!

    Hope you guys have a great weekend!!

    Hugs & Blessings,
    Becky S.

  2. Thank you both for stopping by and for the kiddos compliment!


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