Monday, May 25, 2009

Garden Pictures

Well, this weekend we finally got the garden weeded, tilled again, and planted. The shot below is of the water tower a block from our house. It was getting ready to storm and I thought the contrast was perfect for a picture.

Here is a shot of our bush beans that are coming up. We planted four rows of them.

We have one lonely eggplant.

This is Flat Leaf Parsley, Basil, and Watermelon in the background. I intend to put a chickenwire fence around the Watermelon after it gets running to keep it penned in and under control.
We have eleven Pepper plants, California Wonders and Some Yellow Bells.

This is Zuchini in the foreground and Cucumbers in the background. The Cucumbers I intend to build a verticle lattice fence that they can climb on.

This is our thirteen tomato plants. We have Better Boys, Jet Stars, Early Girls, One Roma, and about three cherry.

Last here is our four rows of corn. Its the Yellow and White Variety.
Here is the whole garden shot. We started to see some rabbit encroachment so after I shot this, and while it was raining I cut a 50 foot roll of Two foot chicken wire down the middle using some tin snips to make 100 foot of one foot rabbit fence. If they decide to jump it,,,,well I hate it for them if they are still in there in the morning!


  1. Garden looks great! We had an almost frost last night. I was glad only two of my tomatoes are in the ground. This is ridiculously late for frost here!

  2. Wow that would have been a crazy late frost! I have a lot of tomatoes in the ground but one is not doing well, and another is going crazy. Thanks for stopping by.


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