Saturday, April 18, 2009

6 Random things about me......

1) I am addicted to chapstick. If I can't find my chapstick I get a little jittery and a must. find. it. now. mode. ensues.

2) I love candy that is chocolate and orange combined.

3) I have Fribromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain. I had one day last week that I call a Fibro day. I hurt all over and I had major fatigue along with feeling like I am coming down with something which more often than not leads to a day of depressive thoughts. To have only 1 Fibro day in a week is a huge improvement. I am doing much better and I feel much better than I have in years. Thank you God.

4) I am addicted to Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum, Bounty Hunter series. They crack me up! For those that read this series...I am a Joe Morelli lady. :o)

5) There is a quirky side of me that I for some reason keep under control and really don't act upon. I think I need to work on letting that quirky gal out and not worry about what others think. Nothing drastic....I am not secretly goth or into finding my inner color with crystals or "funny" mushrooms....LOL

6) My Dad passed away 11 years ago. I am always missing him, but here lately he is so heavy on my mind. I wish I could talk to him and enjoy his sense of humor, for it was just like my own. I wonder what he would think of me at the age I am now. I really wish my kids could have known him better and had a chance to really know just how funny he could be.

I hope you have a great weekend. As I type this I hear lawn mowers and there are yard sales all over the neighborhood. Spring is here!

1 comment:

  1. I just happened upon your blog and enjoyed all your postings....since we have 3 dogs, I especially liked the photos of Pepper. What a beautiful dog! I'm sorry about your fibromyalgia--I have a good friend who has it, too.
    Thanks for sharing the great posts.
    BB from GA.


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