Saturday, March 14, 2009

Finally! We moved!

Yea you heard me, we actually lost our minds and moved! This is also the home of our new blog as the old one expired and you have to pay now to use it. It was a company out of England anyway so the customer service left a good bit to be desired for the money spent.

Anyway, Welcome to our new home. I will start this out with a short explanation of the events that took place to get us where we are now. One day last summer my wife Kim came in from outside down in Alabama and said " My goodness its hot outside, lets move somewhere where it snows!" To which I replied, " I'm a truck driver, I can get a job anywhere, where do you want to move to?" She goes," how about Wisconsin or Minnesota?" "What?" I said. Then she says "Well it snows there don't it?" I said " Yea but after it snows there you can walk around on top of it at minus 18 degrees for three or four months!" So I talked here into moving to my home town in southern Illinois. That conversation took place way back in June of 2008 and we finally moved in mid February.
Let me say this about selling one house and buying another one three states away, that was one of the hardest and most stressful things that I have ever undertook. I don't foresee us doing that again in any near future. We sat there waiting for the buyers to get financed for three and a half months. The day finally came and I have some pictures of the house as we emptied everything we owned into a rental truck.

Not much left.

Pepper has had enough. Time to go.

I didn't take any pictures on the move and it was pretty much just a long boring ride. Stay tunes as we get going with fixing up out little house. Oh I didn't mention that did I?
We have to remodel the house we are moving into as soon as we get there. We are going to live in the back two bedrooms and remodel the front of the house. Later we will reverse it and remodel the back of the house. This is going to be great fun kids.


  1. Thank Karl. It was a long time coming. We have a small lot but there is room for a garden! Whoo Hoo!


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